I was walking behind the Ferry Building along San Francisco Bay today with two of my friends and came across a statue of Gandhi. Below the statue was an inscription of one of Gandhi’s famous quotes…
“My life is my message…”
As I sat with my friends staring out over the bay, I thought to myself how powerful, yet how true that statement is. Everything you do sends a message to the world. The energy you exude (whether that be positive, negative, happy, sad, or whatever…) silently yet profoundly tells the world around you who you are. The actions you take and the choices you make send the message of who you are and the kind of person you want to be.
Some of the questions that went through my mind were:
When I am 90 and I look back on my life, what kind of message do I want to have sent to the world?
What will people remember me by? What do I want them to remember me by?
And probably the most important question of all…
How will I have influenced the world by the message I have sent?
Your life is your story…your “message.” And you have the power to write that story however you want. Every one of us has an inner power deep down that drives us everyday. And I firmly believe that each person on this earth can use that power to make their life into whatever they want it to be.
What is your “message?” Come on, you know what it is. So visualize it. Verbalize it. Write it down. But more importantly, LIVE your message.
My message to the world? Be yourself , live your life the way you want to live it…and do it with a smile ☺
What is your “message?”...LIVE you message.
You misspelled "your", and typed "you" instead. I make that mistake all the time when I'm texting =)
Nice post, Mark.
Thanks for the edit notes sweetie. I now know not to trust spellcheck =)
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